
Application Process:

Read the list below. You MUST meet all the minimum requirements BEFORE creating a profile or completing an application

  • You MUST be 18 years of age at time of applying for apprenticeship
  • You MUST be a high school graduate or have your GED and have passed ONE YEAR of High School Algebra BEFORE applying for apprenticeship
  • IF you do not meet these minimum requirements please do not apply, because you do not meet the Eligibility Requirements.

If you do not meet the minimum requirements above and still apply,
your application will not be accepted and your application fee will NOT be returned.

Your status will be available anytime by logging into the portal and viewing your profile page
Once you complete your application in-person at the school, log into the portal often to look for changes to your status as we review your submitted documents.
Your Application will take multiple steps over a period of days, FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS!
Any Communications from us about your application will be by Email

FOR YOUR NEXT STEP, you must appear in-person with valid ID and a Money Order payable to the ATEI for the $20 Application Fee
Do NOT Bring a Check , You MUST purchase a Money Order and appear in-person at the ATEI office be accepted.

  • You may call ahead at (610) 489-6399 to schedule time for your application. We suggest you call and schedule to minimize your wait time.
  • Be Sure to properly fill out your Money Order
  • Money Order should be made out to ATEI
  • After we process your payment, you will be assigned an Applicant Number and provided a dedicated computer to fill out the application on-site
  • You Must fill out the entire application ON-SITE or it will be marked incomplete and not accepted.
Please come in-person with valid ID and Money Order for $20 payable to ATEI:
ATEI Zone 2
4020 Crosskeys Rd
Collegeville, PA 19426

Don't Forget to Completely Fill Out your Money Order, REMEMBER Checks are no longer accepted!