Your status will be available anytime by logging into the portal and viewing your profile page
Once you complete your application in-person at the school, log into the portal often to look for changes to your status as we review your submitted documents.
Your Application will take multiple steps over a period of days, FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS!
Any Communications from us about your application will be by Email
FOR YOUR NEXT STEP, you must appear in-person with valid ID and a Money Order payable to the ATEI for the $20 Application Fee
Do NOT Bring a Check , You MUST purchase a Money Order and appear in-person at the ATEI office be accepted.
- You may call ahead at (610) 489-6399 to schedule time for your application. We suggest you call and schedule to minimize your wait time.
- Be Sure to properly fill out your Money Order
- Money Order should be made out to ATEI
- After we process your payment, you will be assigned an Applicant Number and provided a dedicated computer to fill out the application on-site
- You Must fill out the entire application ON-SITE or it will be marked incomplete and not accepted.
Please come in-person with valid ID and Money Order for $20 payable to ATEI:
ATEI Zone 2
4020 Crosskeys Rd
Collegeville, PA 19426
Don't Forget to Completely Fill Out your Money Order, REMEMBER Checks are no longer accepted!